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Getting a Medical Card in Kentucky

Getting a Medical Marijuana Prescription in KY

Medical marijuana is not yet legalized in Kentucky. In April 2020, the Kentucky House of Representatives approved legislation of medical cannabis. But in 2021, the progress slowed down.

A Kentucky Health Issues Poll (KHIP) from 2020 by the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky showed great support. More than 90% of Kentuckians in the survey stated they want to see medical cannabis legalized for patients. 

Medical Marijuana in Kentucky (2021 Update)

In April 2021, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture announced that Delta-8 THC products were illegal in the state. And instituted any type of THC product, whether it was hemp or cannabis-derived. 

In Kentucky, any hemp product that has a THC concentration “in excess of zero and three-tenths (0.30 percent) is illegal. Purchase, sale, and use of any THC product hold the same legal penalties. 

The Kentucky Hemp Association is one industry and advocacy group that is fighting the ban against Delta-8 and Delta-10 THC products in Kentucky. 


Who qualifies for medical marijuana in Kentucky?

Right now, there is no medical cannabis program in Kentucky. And the qualifying health conditions to get a Kentucky medical card have not been outlined.

However, if Kentucky follows the example of other states with medical cannabis programs, the health conditions may include:

  • Cancer
  • Chronic Pain
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Seizures and Epilepsy 
  • Terminal Illness 
  • Glaucoma
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Sickle Cell Anemia 
  • Cachexia (Wasting Syndrome)

All states require a medical health evaluation. That is a health check with a qualified practitioner to make sure that medical cannabis is a safe treatment option for you. Registration with the state medical cannabis program will also be required after legalization. And this includes registration and payment of annual renewal fees.  Many polls in Kentucky suggest that voters are very supportive of legal medical marijuana.  However, the Kentucky House of Representatives and Senate are not. 

What Medical Marijuanas are Available in KY?

No medical cannabis is available in Kentucky right now. Hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) is legal for therapeutic use. As long as the CBD has less than 0.30% THC content. While many states have made CBD legal for retail purchase, in Kentucky, patients must be prescribed cannabidiol by a practitioner. The use of cannabis is strictly prohibited in Kentucky.  And there are currently no laws permitting the sale or distribution of CBD.  Even if it is 0.30% or less THC by volume. 

How Old Do You Have to Be to Get a Kentucky Medical Card?

It is not known what the minimum legal age will be for Kentucky patients. However, other states require the age of eighteen (18) or older to access legal, medical cannabis. 

Do I need to create my own MMJ patient profile?

The registration process has not been outlined yet. Medical marijuana is not legal yet in Kentucky. States can adopt an electronic or manual paper application process. 

Can I register my child for medical marijuana?

It is unknown if Kentucky will permit access for minors. Children under the age of eighteen (18) years in other states can be registered. Provided the minor also designated a legal guardian or caregiver. 

How can I become a caregiver for MMJ in KY?

This information is not available at this time. It is not certain whether Kentucky will have a caregiver program. Or what the requirements to be a caregiver will be, if implemented. 

How do I renew my Kentucky medical card?

Most states require a one-year renewal. The medical card will typically expire in twelve months after it is issued. Some states can offer a medical card that is valid for two years, however. 

What if I lose my medical card in KY?

All states provide a method for replacing a lost, stolen, or damaged card. And for updating changes to any contact information, such as residential address. There is usually a fee for replacing a medical card. 

Where do you get medical marijuana in Kentucky?

There are not any licensed dispensaries or compassion centers operating in Kentucky right now.

When did medical marijuana in KY become legal?

It is not legal. As of Fall, 2021, there have been some positive steps by the Kentucky legislature to move forward in 2022 with the legalization of medical cannabis.

The History of Medical Marijuana in Kentucky

While patients in surrounding states like Illinois and Ohio can access legalized medical cannabis, Kentucky currently has no program. The progress of legalization and decriminalization in the state has been slow. 

1914—Kentucky is praised by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for being an important source of raw hemp. The FDA claims that almost all American hemp plant seeds originated from Kentucky.

Source Web 2021:

April, 2014—Then-Governor of Kentucky, Steve Beshear approved legislation that would make cannabidiol (CBD) legal for patients. However, clinical-grade CBD was only available through clinical trials at the University of Kentucky. No licenses were issued to cultivate, process or sell CBD in KY however.

Source Web 2021:

January, 2015—Senate Bill 40 would have established the medical cannabis program in Kentucky. However, two groups stood against the legislation; the National Marijuana Initiative and the Kentucky Baptist Convention. Senate Bill 40 only progressed 25% of the way before it died in the Senate. 

Source Web 2021:

March, 2019—House Bill 136, called “An Act Relating to Medicinal Marijuana and Making an Appropriation Therefor,” was filed to the Committee Substitute. It would have amended KRS Chapter 2018A to decriminalize cannabis possession in Kentucky. 

Source Web 2021:

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Kentucky Medical Marijuana Facts

We’re committed to providing up-to-date, accurate and detailed facts about medical marijuana in Kentucky. You can view our fact sheet that contains a list of vital information that’ll help you know the truth and separate it from the myths about marijuana.

Find Licensed Marijuana Doctors in Kentucky

To use cannabis oil or any other kind of medical marijuana to treat an ailment, you must be diagnosed and certified by a qualified and licensed physician in Kentucky. For this reason, we’ve put a system in place to help you locate a reputable and competent doctor near you:

  • Use Our Super-Fast Doctors Search Tool  Easily locate and connect to a licensed marijuana doctor practicing in Kentucky. Simply locate the doctors search page for Kentucky and type in your zip code. A list of doctors working within your community will appear on the results page. Also, you may click on any of the cities listed on the page to see doctors in our network for those cities.
  • View Doctor Profiles and Reviews  We’ve provided the information so you can research any doctor you want to consult. Click on any of the doctors in the search results page, and you’ll see details about the doctor’s operating hours, service fees and customer reviews from patients who have used their service.
  • Book an Appointment Right Away — After reading our doctors’ profiles, you can book an appointment immediately. It’s as simple as tapping or clicking the “Request an Appointment” button. Then, you can provide the other information required to complete the booking process.

Locate Approved Marijuana Dispensaries in Kentucky

We make it easy for patients with certified medical conditions to buy their cannabis from approved locations. We have a directory of dispensaries that stock the best strains of cannabis, and we’re committed to helping you locate one that is very close to your residence:

  • Review Our List of Reputable Dispensaries in Kentucky  Check out our directory for Kentucky medical marijuana dispensaries that deliver premium quality customer service and provide the most effective strains of cannabis at competitive prices. Get their address, telephone number, email and operating hours. All the dispensaries we recommend are managed by professionals who know the best strains and brands of the medicine and understand the laws regulating medical cannabis in Kentucky.

Contact a Licensed Dispensary in Kentucky — If you have a doctor’s prescription for cannabis oil or any other form of medical marijuana, you can book an appointment with one of the dispensaries in our directory now. This process is simple, efficient and cost effective. Without leaving your home, you can get all the information you need about prices of the medicine and its availability.

Kentucky Qualification

Find out Who Qualifies for Marijuana in Kentucky in our definitive guide of Kentucky’s qualification guidelines. Read up on medical conditions that are covered under Kentucky’s medical marijuana program, age restrictions, criminal conviction restrictions, and more.

Kentucky Medical Marijuana Laws

Read Kentucky’s Full Medical Marijuana Laws to gain full specific knowledge of Kentucky’s exact legal guidelines without interpretation.

Kentucky Medical Marijuana Card

Find out how to obtain a(n) Kentucky Medical Marijuana Card with our guide to Kentucky’s state medicinal marijuana ID program. Some states require that you obtain your card prior to obtaining your medicine, so read here first to ensure that you know Kentucky’s requirements.

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