
Marijuana News Round-Up for November 12, 2021

Lori Ann Reese

Posted by Lori Ann Reese on 11/12/2021 in Medical Marijuana


This week in marijuana news, we honored our American military veterans for their service and sacrifice. And in 2021, veterans and non-profit support groups are advocating for access to medical marijuana. Both to improve chronic pain symptom management, and to combat depression and trauma.

On our blog, we shared eight (8) important signs you need to recognize about “greening out”. Or cannabis intoxication, and the health risks. And we talk about that thing no one is really talking too much about: do people who WFH (work from home) use cannabis 9-5?

Get some recipes for cannabis-infused bone broth and find out if cannabis can help you manage cold and flu symptoms. And we share myths about chronic pain, and what it is like to learn to adapt to daily living with persistent joint, muscle, back, or neuropathic pain. Our recap of this week’s marijuana news.

Military Veterans Day Cannabis PTSD
(Deposit Photos)

Congress Gets an Appeal for Access to Cannabis for Military Vets

We don’t celebrate Veteran’s Day. In the U.S., it is a day of honor and appreciation, recognizing how many American men and women (and their families) have sacrificed. For our domestic and global safety and security. Loss of life on the battlefield is one tragedy. But the scars that many American veterans live with every day are not always physical.

There is increasing evidence that a change is needed to better support our military veterans. The incident rates of suicide, for example, have increased at an alarming rate. So has the unemployment rate and poverty level for veterans who may be less employable because of unmanaged mental or physical health symptoms.

Marijuana News: Laws Coming to Expand Access for Veterans?

This fall, there is a bill called HR 2588, or the “Veterans Medical Marijuana Safe Harbor Act”. And if it is passed through Congress, it will allow Veterans Affairs to recommend retired veterans for medical cannabis.

There is a partner piece of legislation called the “VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act 2021”. This legislation would allow Veterans Affairs to conduct clinical trials of cannabis on veterans. And study if it is effective for treating common conditions, from pain to depression, trauma, and anxiety. However, the office of Veterans Affairs rejected the proposed legislation on November 8th, 2021.

In 2020, Veterans Affairs formally announced that military vets who legally used medical cannabis in their home state, would not be punished. That means the healthcare services provided by the VA would not be jeopardized if a veteran tested positive for cannabis. Provided they were using it under doctor-supervision and in a legalized state.

It seems like some big and overdue changes are coming to help American veterans. And to expand access to legalized use of medical marijuana for symptom management. Read more in this article by Tom Angell on Marijuana Moment.

Smoking Cannabis

How High is Too High? Your Body Will Tell You with Eight Symptoms

It’s not fun or funny to get too high. Okay, when you see a friend or family member “greening out,” you may be tempted to mock them a little. Even though cannabis overdose deaths do not happen like other types of controlled substances, which doesn’t mean that you cannot overdose on cannabis.

You can. And there are eight classic signs that you are “greening out.” Or, basically, a red alert situation because you have surpassed your body and brain’s comfortable cannabinoid level. Do you know the signs and strains that can create symptoms like cotton mouth or paranoia?

Don’t overestimate your tolerance for concentrates. Or how quickly some edibles can get you to that level of “your highness” that is uncomfortable. And panic-inducing. Possibly leading to an emergency situation where you may need to go to the hospital.

Check out our new article “8 Signs You Are Greening Out and Health Risks” on the MarijuanaDoctors.com patient blog.

Is Your Boss High? There is a 20% Chance Your Colleagues Are Too

In January 2022, we will reach the approximate two-year mark of the Covid-19 health emergency and global pandemic. Also known as the great “shelter in place” order that moved a vast number of Americans from the home office to an office at home.

For some people, WFH (work from home) has been part of their career for a long time. Well before the global pandemic. But for other people, it is the first time they have been permitted to work from home. And let’s face it, sharing space with a partner or parenting kids through the pandemic? Distractions and stressors are everywhere when you work from home. Even the dog may be breathing too loud.

Is there a statistical correlation between record-breaking adult-use and recreational cannabis sales in 2020 and the mass migration to work from home? Common sense tells you they are related circumstances and outcomes. And so do reports in marijuana news.

Can you use cannabis during the workday and still remain productive? It is a touchy subject because of stereotypes and stigmas. Is there such a thing as a high-functioning, alert, and productive pot user? The truth is out there, even if people are avoiding the topic.

Read:High Time We Talked About Marijuana and WFH.”

Chronic Pain Medical Card Cannabis

What Patients with Chronic Pain Wish Everyone Else Understood

We need to get past the misconception that everyone who uses cannabis is doing it to get impaired. Hollywood movie frat party level impaired. Not only is that untrue for the majority of people, but it is also impractical. Have you ever tried to write an email when you were really (really) high?

Human resource professionals and employers seem more concerned about the impact according to recent marijuana news. But what about the impact of chronic pain on an employee’s ability to do their job? If someone is immune-compromised and working from home, is that a health and wellness accommodation that improves their performance? Making them an even bigger contributor and an asset to the organization?

People with pain aren’t looking to dose themselves into cannabis oblivion. In fact, if they are experienced medical marijuana users, they have probably mastered the right combinations of micro-dosing to get through the workday, especially if they work from home and do not have to drive to the office.

Read:Weed Like to Bust These 7 Myths About Chronic Pain”.

Marijuana News Cannabis Cold Flu

Cannabis, Cold and Flu and You: Can it Help?

There is no medical research that suggests cannabis can cure a common cold. Or help your body recover from influenza faster. But the symptoms that often come with a cold or flu can definitely wear down your immune system.

We all know how to corkscrew some Kleenex and shove it up a nostril to try to sleep. Nasal drip stinks. Coughing can keep you awake too. Respiratory irritation means that you probably want to try something other than a smokable. Like an edible or tincture instead.

A weekend in bed getting over a cold. That sounds like a job for some antibiotics (on doctor’s advice) and possibly some cannabis to help you get that immune system boosting deep sleep. Not that it will stop your nose from dripping. You just may not feel it (or be bothered so much by it) after taking some cannabis oil. Or making one of the cannabis-infused bone broth recipes we found from popular 420 food bloggers.

Read:Cannabinoids, Cold and Flu, Bone Broth and Brews

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