
How Can Hemp Heal the World

Marijuana Doctors

Posted by Marijuana Doctors on 11/20/2015 in Medical Marijuana

Hemp, legalization of hemp, hemp goods, marijuana doctors

A lot of people know about the wonders of hemp but in reality nobody can envision how hemp can save the world. The fact of the matter is that we haven’t been able to analyze exactly how amazing hemp can be mainly due to the fact that it, along with cannabis, was placed on the most deviant scheduling possible under the Controlled Substance Act.

The Many Uses of Hemp

Firstly, we must understand that Hemp is a highly versatile crop. An estimation of roughly 20,000 products can be made from this plant including food, plastics and even fuel.

It is then no wonder that hemp is illegal mainly due to greedy billionaires that can’t stand competition. In fact, it is estimated that only 6% of US landmass need to be used to grow Hemp to be completely independent from foreign oil. Not to mention with Hemp we would be able to stop deforestation in its tracks. Hemp Produces 4 times the amount of usable pulp for every acre of trees and it takes a lot quicker to crop out on hemp. In fact, if grown properly we would be able to crop out 2-3 times per year.

Hemp Does Not Get You High

There is no real valid reason other than greed that justifies the illegality of hemp. Hemp cannot get you high, it is physically distinctive from Marijuana and is legal in several other modern countries. The only reason it is illegal in the US is because it poses a threat to the Petrochemical industry along with the Timber industry, both of which are massive lobbies within the US government.

It is estimated that you would need to smoke a joint the size of a phone pole in order to get a slight buzz from hemp which means it most definitely would not be used for recreational purposes.

Hemp is Industrial

People need to realize that by legalizing hemp you’ll not only legalize a brand new crop but rather the backbone of America. Farmers would be able to produce tons of hemp quite easily, without the need of using pesticides of which thousands of specialized processing facilities would create millions of new Jobs that in the end will sustain the economy and lifestyle of America.

Let‘s look at some aspects of how Hemp can impact the world and bring life changing effects.

Reduction of deforestation –

with the ability to grow super quick and the fact that it is acid free, paper can be produced from hemp plants. It can even be recycled more than 7 times. Most important though is that instead of the 30 odd years it takes for trees to grow, hemp is almost immediately available. Why are we not using Hemp already?

Replacement for fuel as we know it –

Oil from hempseeds can be used for bio-diesel and the stalks can be used for methanol or ethanol. The great thing about using hemp as fuel is that it is totally biodegradable and even smells pleasant.

Clothing industry –

Hemp clothing is almost indestructible. Because it is so natural, it is cool in summer and warm in winter. The more you use it, the softer it gets.

What about construction and building material? –

Hemp can be used for a variety of building materials and is pest free and fire free. It is very strong and plastic made of Hemp is biodegradable.

An advantage of Hemp for the farmer-

Hemp is excellent for erosion control and soil restoration. It is also a remedy against drought. Nothing of Hemp goes to waste. What can’t be fed to the farm animals, can be used for human consumption.

Nutrition and Hemp –

Hempseeds are one of the most complete nutritional food on the planet. Hemp is high in potassium, magnesium and almost every mineral and vitamin the body needs. It also has high amounts of Omega fatty acids and has about 25% protein.

It is not difficult to see that Hemp is the answer to the problem of the world. It sure is a plant to get excited about. The question is: when will governments and world organizations see that too?

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