Lori Ann Reese

New Study: CBD May Reduce Progression of Alzheimer’s


An exciting breakthrough study may bring hope to patients and families coping with Alzheimer’s Disease. The Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University has published the results of a new study: “CBD reduces plaque, improves cognition in a model of familial Alzheimer’s.” On Read More

Minnesota New Qualifying Conditions: Whole Flower Bill Dies In Senate


Sustainability and addressing the problem of affordability.  That was two reasons why the Minnesota medical marijuana program may soon allow for whole flower or raw cannabis bud to be sold to patients. While more than 34,000 patients are currently registered for medical marijuana use Read More

First Vote to Cap THC Bill 1317 Passes in Colorado


It took eight hours for thirteen representatives on the House Public & Behavioral Health & Human Services Committee in Colorado to unanimously approve House Bill 1317.  We wrote an article on the battle brewing in Colorado to cap THC potency.  And discussed how addiction Read More

Self-Care Sunday: Healthy Choices for People with Diabetes


Diabetes is a chronic disease. For some people, heredity plays a factor. One or more parents or family members may have been diagnosed with either Type I or Type II diabetes. In 2020, the CDC reported there were an estimated 34.2 million Americans currently diagnosed with diabetes. Or rou Read More

Positive Step: Gun Rights And Marijuana (GRAM) Act


Should a patient who has been legally approved to use medical marijuana be prohibited from owning a gun? The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution affords each citizen the right to bear arms to protect self, family, and property. But when it comes to gun rights and marijuana Read More

Why Does Colorado Want a 15% THC Potency Cap?


What is weird about the proposed legislation that would cap THC potency in Colorado? The state that enjoys an almost celebrity status and California, for being an early adopter of medical cannabis legalization, is now moving to limit THC potency. And that is not in keeping with the histor Read More

MDMA May Get FDA Approval for Therapeutic Use


We wrote an article in August of 2020, “MAPS Raises $30 Million for Psychedelic Research”. The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies raised $30 million to fund psychedelic research. Now some of the results from MDMA clinical trials are in, and they are promising. In Read More

Medical Cannabis After Hours Protected in NY


New York has proposed an expansion to employee protections in the workplace. It attempts to address a serious problem for medical cardholders. Patients who use medical cannabis after hours for symptom management are still vulnerable to punitive consequences from employers. On March 31, Read More

Five Famous Business Women In Cannabis


While social equity remains a concern for states with legalized cannabis programs (adult-use and medicinal), the focus has been on inclusion. Ensuring that persons of color (POC) entrepreneurs have an equal opportunity to participate in the rapidly growing cannabis industry. And that incl Read More

Self Care Sunday: Do You Have Coronasomnia?


When you were a kid, the worst punishment you may have imagined was being forced to take a nap.  Who wants to nap when there are so many more important and interesting things to do?  The truth is that many of us never outgrow that sensation.  That somehow, taking a time out to get some Read More

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