Marijuana Doctors

Cannabis Helps People With Insomnia Stay Asleep


Medical marijuana can help patients with pain-induced insomnia stay asleep, a new Israeli study shows. The study, published in the journal, BMJ, examined the effects of medical marijuana in older patients (50+) with sleep disturbances related to chronic pain. The study found that those Read More

The ABCs of CBD Dosing


You’re interested in the therapeutic possibilities of CBD, and now hemp-derived CBD is legal in the United States. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to figure out how much CBD you should take.  Here’s what you need to know to get started with CBD. How doses are measured Read More

Cardiologists Worry That Marijuana May Harm Heart Patients


A new study estimates that more than 2 million adults with cardiovascular disease have smoked marijuana, yet there’s been a dearth of research on the effects of cannabis on heart disease. After doing an extensive review of the research, the authors of the study reported that there†Read More

Half of Oncologists Support Medical Marijuana


Nearly half of oncologists believe medical marijuana can benefit elderly cancer patients, according to a new survey.  The oncologists responded to a survey about their beliefs on the effectiveness of medical marijuana and how likely they were to recommend it to their cancer patien Read More

10 Best CBD Products to Give a Friend—or Enjoy Yourself 


As someone who uses or is interested in medical marijuana, you’ve probably dabbled in cannabis-themed food and personal products too. How to choose the best? Whether you’re looking for gifts for friends and family or a treat for yourself, here are 10 of our favorite CBD-based products Read More

Medical Marijuana Reduces Opioid Use


Legalizing medical marijuana appears to reduce the amount of opioids that people use, according to a new study. The study, published in the International Journal of Drug Policy, found that people living in states with medical cannabis laws are less likely to report using opioids than p Read More

Scientists Discover a New Potent THC


Two new cannabinoids were identified in sativa cannabis, and one was found to be significantly more potent than THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). The rigorous study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, was conducted by Italian researchers who have used high-tech tools to isolate, ident Read More

CBD Decreases Social Anxiety in Teens


A recent study found that cannabidiol (CBD) decreased symptoms of social anxiety disorder in teenagers. Becoming increasingly common, the disorder is characterized by a fear of social situations and leads teens to isolate themselves. In the small study, published in the journal Frontie Read More

Medical Marijuana How-To’s: How to Roll a Perfect Joint


With so many different available sources for medical marijuana for various conditions like anxiety, chronic pain, cancer, and others, it can be daunting to know where to start. Should medical marijuana patients go with bud...or tinctures...or oil? Once they've worked with a licensed m Read More

Sleep Aid Sales Dip When Weed Becomes Legal


As marijuana dispensaries open, sales of over-the-counter (OTC) sleep remedies go down, suggesting that many people suffering with insomnia prefer to self-treat with cannabis than to take pharmaceuticals. The study, published in the journal Complimentary Therapies in Medicine, assess Read More

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