Marijuana Doctors

Medical Marijuana vs. Epidiolex for Seizures


This summer, the FDA approved Epidiolex, the very first FDA-approved drug created from a marijuana derivative. They authorized its use for two severe types of epilepsy after witnessing its effectiveness in clinical trials. What makes Epidiolex different from medical marijuana treatments? D Read More

How to Know If Medical Marijuana Is Right for Your Patient


As a doctor in the 21st century, you may be asking yourself, "Is medical marijuana right for my patients?" With the recent legalization of medical marijuana in most U.S. states, many doctors are weighing the pros and cons of medical marijuana treatment for their patients. However, doctors Read More

Marijuana Vape Pens


The cannabis industry is booming like never before. A few states have approved the plant for recreational use, and more than half of them have legalized medical marijuana. When you visit a local dispensary, you will see a plethora of ingestion options. Although smoking pot remains one of t Read More

Can Cannabis Increase Your Metabolism?


We all envy that one friend who eats more than us but never has to worry about gaining weight. Metabolism is a deciding factor that when befriended could give you your dream figure. We all begin to work our way through finding ways to improve our metabolism to get back in shape. Choosing t Read More

What If Your Pet Eats Cannabis?


We all want what's best for our animal friends. After all, they provide us with love and companionship, and in return, we ensure their safety and prevent any harm from befalling them. Although medical marijuana has many benefits for us, it's not the same for our pups, kittens and other pet Read More

CBD for Knee Pain


Living with pain is an everyday experience for people around the world, and a common complaint that many have is knee pain. It can affect people of all ages for a variety of causes, from injury to severe medical conditions. Knee pain is a prevalent type of chronic pain because of how frequ Read More

Medical Marijuana to Improve the Sleep of Elderly Patients


If you find that an aging loved one has difficulties sleeping, they are not alone. This often overlooked affliction affects almost 40 percent of older people. A variety of factors can cause it, ranging from insomnia to noisy living conditions. Although some elderly patients resort to takin Read More

How Long Does CBD Stay in Your System?


Today more than ever, cannabidiol (CBD) is becoming a trendy medical marijuana treatment. However, what some people might not know is that CBD is only one of the many compounds found in cannabis. These components, called cannabinoids, are what give marijuana its therapeutic and recreationa Read More

How to Judge the Quality of Marijuana


Access to quality cannabis remains one of the premiere concerns within the industry — both for doctors, patients and those exploring the ever-evolving applications behind one of the world's oldest whole-plant medicines. While medical cannabis has undeniable health benefits, patients can Read More

Cannabis Legalization and the 2020 Elections


The outlook for the right to use marijuana is bright, as the majority of both Republicans and Democrats support legalization. Traditionally, Democrats have been associated with fighting for legal marijuana, but even red states are jumping on board. For example, red-state Oklahoma recently Read More

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