Marijuana Doctors

Signs You May Be Allergic to the Type of Medical Marijuana You’re Using


Medical marijuana is available as Sativa or Indica — two different strains of marijuana that contain varying levels of THC and cannabidiol (CBD). Popular hybrid strains containing Sativa and Indica are also widely used by medical marijuana patients seeking comprehensive therapeutic relie Read More

The Basics of Cooking With Cannabis


With multiple states passing propositions that allow the legal sale and use of recreational marijuana, there are now options for people who would like to enjoy the relaxing effects of pot without the potential irritation that accompanies smoking cannabis. One of the fundamental rules of co Read More

What Does Prop 64 Mean for California’s Dispensary Businesses?


Approved by California voters on November 8, 2016, the California Marijuana Legalization Initiative (California Proposition 64) makes it legal for state residents to grow and/or consume cannabis for personal use. However, non-medical dispensaries will not be able to sell marijuana for pers Read More

Marijuana Lessons for Canada


As Canada’s new Liberal government is expected to legalize marijuana next spring in 2017, the entire country is anticipating how things will unfold. And as it takes its first steps towards being a country where marijuana is legal, Canada is experiencing the struggles of any state or cou Read More

Yes, You Can Get Arrested for Medical Marijuana


The unfortunate reality is that, despite medical marijuana being a widely approved alternative therapeutic option for patients suffering from specific health conditions, there are still certain circumstances under which you, as a patient, could be arrested. Don’t let yourself become a st Read More

Staying Energized While Using Medical Marijuana: It’s All in the Strain


One of the most frustrating symptoms of living with a health condition is fatigue.  Fatigue is generally described as a state of mental and physical tiredness that can inhibit your ability to go about your daily life. With physical fatigue, a person finds it physically hard to do the thin Read More

4 Must-Ask Questions for When You Have the Cannabis Talk With Your Doctor


If you feel uncomfortable or nervous about the prospect of discussing medical marijuana with your health provider, you can count yourself among the majority. The good news is that medical marijuana is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a novel concept. People have been using cannabis Read More

Health Benefits of Hemp and Medical Benefits of Marijuana


Most people don’t realize that there is a scientific difference between hemp and marijuana, and both have key health benefits to offer. Here’s a closer look at the two, how they differ, the health benefits they offer, and why marijuana offers even more health benefits than hemp benefit Read More

Discover What Cannabinoids Most Effectively Treat Your Symptoms


Marijuana contains 85 cannabinoids, many that have already shown to have medical benefits. These have been found to work because many of them resemble chemicals already present in the human body. There have been individuals who say they have tried using cannabis oil and it was unsucce Read More

How To Tell if You Have an Endocannabinoid Deficiency


The endocannabinoid system plays a hand in many of the body's normal functions. The body contains two major endocannabinoids, arachidonoylethanolamide (AEA), nicknamed anandamide from the Sanskrit word for “bliss,” and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). CB1 is the receptor in the Read More

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