Marijuana Doctors

Buying Stock in Marijuana Companies


people who are interested in investing into cannabis related businesses. For the most part, cannabis businesses are still being traded as Penny Stock and are quite volatile due to legal constraints, laws changing and so on. Whenever there is a victory in cannabis legislation, you’ll noti Read More

What are CBD Rich Strains Good For?


Cannabis provides a plethora of benefits to the body. Some compounds within the plant will not get you high but still hold great medical value to the user. In fact, some medical patients seek out CBD rich strains for their specific medical conditions. What is CBD anyway? CBD or Cannabidiol Read More

Cinco de Mayo Marijuana Delicacies


In honor of the up-and-coming Cinco de Mayo holiday, we’ve come up with two tantalizing cannabis-infused recipes for your fiesta festivities! Utilizing Cannabutter and THC oil, our foolproof recipes for ganja guacamole and toking tacos will make the perfect dishes for your Cinco de Mayo Read More

Cannabis History and Religious Contexts


Far predating the establishment of the United States of America, or Christianity at all – cannabis use has been deeply embedded in spiritual and religious historical texts around the globe. Religious history of marijuana used for medical purposes. Unanimously, marijuana has deep historic Read More

Genetically Modified Marijuana


With the widespread recognition of medical marijuana, big time agribusinesses are gaining the opportunity to hone in on the major cash crop. With millions to be made in the cannabis industry, giant agricultural biotechnology company, Monsanto, has announced plans to introduce newly develop Read More

Super Chocolaty Marijuana Brownies


Get Medicated with this super Delicious Treat! Marijuana Brownies are a delicious way to medicate and can be a super fun experience shared with your significant other. It tastes absolutely delicious and is a popular form of ingesting your medicine. Difference between Eating and Smoking Mar Read More

Marijuana Possession Amounts with a Marijuana Card


Amount of Marijuana You Can Posses with a Marijuana Card State by State List of Medical Cannabis Possession Laws Alaska Ballot Measure 8 passed in 1998 with a 58% majority allows up to 1 ounce of usable medical marijuana. Patients may cultivate up to 6 cannabis plants of which no more t Read More

Idrasil Cannabis Pill Challenges Sativex


Idrasil, a full-spectrum cannabinoid pill, satisfies the medical community with its standardized 25 milligram tablet and changes the way patients and physicians view medical marijuana. The Benefits of Idrasil Idrasil provides all of the medicinal benefits of marijuana without any risks of Read More

Marijuana Doctors Commercial – Insurance Sales Man


Medical Marijuana Doctors commercial that helps marijuana patients to better understand the process involved in obtaining their legal medical marijuana card. Read More

Marijuana Doctors Babysitter Commercial


Looking for a medical marijuana card, check out to become a legal medical marijuana patient today. Read More

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