Marijuana Doctors

Cymbalta and Medical Marijuana


Cymbalta is a drug used for several purposes, including anxiety, depression, and chronic pain—conditions that also appear on many state lists of approved uses for medical marijuana. Patients who have been prescribed Cymbalta may have questions that need to be answered, such as whether t Read More

CBD for Toothaches


Discussions of the health benefits of cannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD) most often center on chronic conditions, including chronic pain, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. But they can also be used to relieve everyday ailments like toothaches. Answers to these common Read More

Is Medical Marijuana Allowed in Drug-Free Zones?


You may have enrolled as a medical marijuana patient with your state, but that doesn’t always mean you can freely access your cannabis medications in public. Federal and state laws—especially drug-free zone regulations—may prohibit medical marijuana use in certain locations. Below, w Read More

Cannabis Edibles to Help You Lose Weight


When you think of marijuana edibles, what comes to mind first? If you thought of brownies or candy, you have good reason to: Many of the edibles at dispensaries come in the form of sweet treats. For some patients who use them, these edibles’ benefits outweigh the risks posed by high lev Read More

What You Need to Know About Medical Marijuana Candy


Marijuana edibles have a reputation for sweetness. When someone mentions edibles, most people immediately think of “pot brownies.” Dispensaries that sell infused food often have shelves of brightly colored desserts to enjoy. Medicated sweets can make treatment fun, and some of them inc Read More

7 Ways to Use CBD


Marijuana consists of many different compounds that work together to relieve symptoms. You can isolate these compounds, known as cannabinoids, to experience one specific component’s effects. One compound commonly used by medical marijuana patients is cannabidiol (CBD). Learn why patients Read More

Cannabis and Cancer: Your Essential Guide to a Holistic Approach


Marijuana and cancer—it’s a subject with growing interest around the country. Cancer is a topic with high emotional resistance, and rightfully so. Just in the United States, an estimated 1,762,450 cancers will be in diagnosed in 2019, which equates to more than 4,800 new cases each day Read More

24 Weed Reads: Your Guide to the Cannabis Library


From tomes on botany, recipes and creative non-fiction to cultural musings and political history, there are over 5,200 printed books about cannabis — that’s enough to fill the shelves of a small library. And while new cannabis books are published each year, the best reads span decades. Read More

The Munchies According to Science: Cannabis and Your Appetite


There’s only one state of mind that justifies the urge to tear through an entire bag of potato chips, a microwaved plate of freezer-burned taquitos, and even that four-month-old box of chocolate that Grandma sent you over the holidays: being baked. This overwhelming urge to eat salty, sw Read More

Terpenes and Anxiety


The cannabis plant contains hundreds of compounds that work together to create its medicinal properties. You may know about cannabinoids, the main components studied in marijuana. But, what about terpenes? These compounds also have a role to play in the healing powers of marijuana. Some te Read More

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