Research and Studies

WH and DEA Remove Obstacles to Cannabis Research 


Clinical studies and cannabis research need to be conducted.  For medicinal purposes, cannabis advocates feel that the healing herb could be a safer and more effective alternative to opioids. And helpful for symptom management for other conditions, such as epilepsy, depression, anxiety, s Read More

Discovery of THCp Means New Treatment Options


Many people know THC very well, but have you heard of THCp? And some people have been using CBD (cannabidiol) for wellness for years. When you think of cannabis, you probably visualize two types of cannabinoids; tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). But did you know that they Read More

Pot Makes You Fit? Debunking “In Da Couch”


There are myths about cannabis. And even more stigmas about the people who use cannabis every day. We know the stereotype; painting the average pot smoker as sitting daily on the couch, playing Xbox, and munching on tacos. But how accurate is that lifestyle? That might be Fr Read More

Cannabis Consumers May Be More Active Than Most


The portrayal of people who use cannabis has been anything but flattering and full of stereotypes. How often have you watched a movie where the “party guy” or gal or designate “pothead” is someone who appears less intelligent?  A character whose genuine love of “weed” mak Read More

Can Medical Marijuana be a Solution to the Opioid Epidemic in America?


The medical community is currently split on the debate regarding the merits of medical marijuana as a solution to the opioid epidemic in America. There are many physicians that advocate for the use of medical cannabis in addiction therapy. They have noted individual patient cases where it Read More

Cannabis Becoming Mainstream, Replacing Alcohol for Some Consumers: Survey


A new survey of 1,000 U.S. cannabis consumers shows that, in states with legal markets, marijuana has made big inroads into American life. The report, titled The 2020 Cannabis Consumer, looks at broad, national trends concerning recreational and medical marij Read More

NIH Grants UCLA $3.9M to Study THC, Terpenes, and Pain Management


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has granted a UCLA cannabis researcher $3.9 million to study whether cannabis terpenes alone, and in conjunction with THC, can help reduce patients’ need for opioids in pain management. The grant, given through NIH’s National Center for Compleme Read More

Cannabis Found to Reduce Risk of Cognitive Decline in HIV Patients


Marijuana may lower the risk of neurocognitive decline in people with HIV, according to a new groundbreaking study. The authors of the study called for more research into whether the protective effects of marijuana could extend to the general aging population. There is some evidence th Read More

Cannabis Helps People With Insomnia Stay Asleep


Medical marijuana can help patients with pain-induced insomnia stay asleep, a new Israeli study shows. The study, published in the journal, BMJ, examined the effects of medical marijuana in older patients (50+) with sleep disturbances related to chronic pain. The study found that those Read More

Best Marijuana Strains for Seizures 


Our brains contain billions of neurons that communicate by creating and receiving electrical impulses. During a seizure, this network goes haywire, causing abnormal movements and changes in behavior and awareness. People who have seizures must undergo medical examinations and tests to Read More

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