Ailments and Conditions

Medical Marijuana and Seasonal Allergies


Cannabis may not be the first remedy that comes to mind when plant pollen makes you sneeze, but some seasonal allergy sufferers swear it helps them cope with their most annoying symptoms. Allergies are one of the most common chronic disorders, and occur when the body’s immune system ove Read More

Cannabis and Cancer: Your Essential Guide to a Holistic Approach


Marijuana and cancer—it’s a subject with growing interest around the country. Cancer is a topic with high emotional resistance, and rightfully so. Just in the United States, an estimated 1,762,450 cancers will be in diagnosed in 2019, which equates to more than 4,800 new cases each day Read More

Terpenes and Anxiety


The cannabis plant contains hundreds of compounds that work together to create its medicinal properties. You may know about cannabinoids, the main components studied in marijuana. But, what about terpenes? These compounds also have a role to play in the healing powers of marijuana. Some te Read More

CBD for Menstrual Cramps


Menstrual pain, also known as dysmenorrhea, can range from uncomfortable to debilitating. You can use birth control, painkillers or natural remedies to relieve those monthly cramps. But, did you know you can also use the cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD)? Marijuana medicine with CBD can allevi Read More

CBD for Neck Pain


The actions we do in everyday life cause mild neck pain now and then. But, frequent and severe neck pain needs some form of treatment because of its interference in daily activities. When you have a high level of pain in your neck, it might seem like you can't focus on anything else. Regul Read More

CBD for Knee Pain


Living with pain is an everyday experience for people around the world, and a common complaint that many have is knee pain. It can affect people of all ages for a variety of causes, from injury to severe medical conditions. Knee pain is a prevalent type of chronic pain because of how frequ Read More

CBD For Back Pain


Chronic back pain impacts patients all over the United States. Accidents, improper lifting and age can all cause this common ailment. While we all experience back pain now and then, it can become severe enough to reduce your quality of life. You can try painkillers, but they don't always w Read More

CBD for Acne


Acne is a notorious skin condition. It results in pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, papules, nodules and cysts. While self-care and prescription treatments are available for acne, many aren’t very effective. Some recent research has shown that using CBD can help treat current acne, as wel Read More

Using Medical Marijuana with Blood Thinners


The use of cannabis for medicinal purposes is now legal in many states throughout the U.S. This is excellent news for patients struggling with several debilitating disorders that medical marijuana can effectively treat. However, this does raise more questions about the effect it might hav Read More

Medical Marijuana for Amputees


Though modern medical techniques have improved amputee surgery survival rates, it’s still a last-resort treatment for several different conditions. The number of amputees has increased because of combat and other situations, including advancing cancers and trauma due to accidents. Amput Read More

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