Medical Marijuana

States Where Weed is Way Too Expensive (And Why)


In some states, the cost of cannabis is very affordable. Those states tend to have both recreational (adult-use) legislation in addition to legalized medical marijuana. And that is no accident. Some of the highest-priced cannabis in the country exists in states that have only legalized med Read More

How-To Use Cannabis to Fight Seasonal Affective Disorder


In North America, we have come a long way in the past fifty years toward understanding the importance of mental health. And supporting individuals who experience moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety and depression. Medical cannabis programs in many states include depression and anxiety Read More

6 New Cannabis Strains for 2021 Holidaze


At the end of the year, it’s time to celebrate many things. Some will be gathering with family and friends or planning the ultimate stay-cation, to relax and unwind. And on the list of things to get ready for the holidaze, maybe trying a new strain or two is on the list.  There have bee Read More

Tennessee Cannabis Commission May Allow Patients to Import from Nearby States


The road to providing legalized medical cannabis in Tennessee has been difficult. And frustrating for patients. In 2020, over 26% of people in Tennessee over the age of sixty-five (65) had at least three diagnosed chronic health conditions. The most common chronic diseases impacting resid Read More

Marijuana News Round-Up December 10, 2021


This week in marijuana news, MariMed celebrated “National Brownie Day” in a (really) big way. They created what may be the world’s largest THC-baked edible. What would you do with an 850 lb. magic brownie, anyhow? We share some expert tips on storing your cannabis. While long-term s Read More

How-To Store Your Cannabis (And Keep It Fresh and Sticky)


In most states, patients with a medical card are only permitted to purchase a small amount of cannabis. Enough for a one-month supply. That can be as little as three ounces per month. Patients buy it and use it as required. But generally, most patients purchase the maximum amount monthly t Read More

Vermont Next to Propose 15% THC Cap? 


Smoke ‘em while you got ‘em?  Several states are weighing the plausibility of placing a cap on THC for medical or adult-use cannabis. And Vermont seems to be moving ahead with some laws that could impose restrictions on products available in dispensaries. Even for patients with a Verm Read More

Cannabis Strains for Creativity (And How They Work)


You have a great idea for a book.  Or a screenplay.  And that idea has been bouncing around your head for a long time.  But every time you try to sit down and create, there is a voice inside you that tells you it won’t be good enough.  No one will like it.  And so, you give up.  T Read More

5 Health Risks of High Potency Cannabis 


It’s in the cannabis comment sections of popular Reddit threads. People are comparing notes on different strains and their effects. Comments about taste (flavonoids) and smell (terpenes) are part of the cannabis culture. People are passionate about their favorite herb and natural medicin Read More

Minnesota Edibles Coming Soon for Patients


Patients in Minnesota fought to have smokable cannabis legalized. And in March 2022, smokable cannabis products will be available in Minnesota dispensaries. Now, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has authorized edibles.   But only for patients registered in the medical cannabis p Read More

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