
Is Amazon Ready to Join the Fight for Legal Weed?

Lori Ann Reese

Posted by Lori Ann Reese on 07/19/2021 in Federal Marijuana Laws

Amazon Cannabis Legalization Federal Weed Laws

When Amazon ‘came out’ and threw support for the decriminalization and legalization of cannabis, America sat up and took notice. Because that kind of endorsement doesn’t happen every day. And when you consider that Amazon has tremendous national support, it sent some positive vibes. It also created hope that this time, the federal government would see decriminalization become a reality through The MORE Act.

Majority Senate Leader Chuck Schumer has also endorsed the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act. In fact, on Wednesday, July 14th, 2021, Schumer unveiled how the MORE Act would be implemented. 

Amazon has made Washington D.C. a second home. It has expanded its political clout with top lobbyists for years to help influence pro-e-commerce and trade policies. And with that tremendous political sway, stakeholders in the U.S. cannabis industry hope that Amazon will join the fight. 

Amazon Relaxes Employee Drug Testing After Endorsing Cannabis Legalization

If you are one of the world’s largest businesses and vocal about support for cannabis legalization, you should put your corporate policy where your mouth is. And that is exactly what Amazon did after expressing support for the federal decriminalization of cannabis. Amazon won’t be testing employees for THC use going forward. But only in certain job roles and positions.

One of the great contradictions in federal versus state laws about cannabis happens in the workplace. As a patient, you may have a medical card. You are legally able to purchase and consume medical marijuana. But what happens if your employer conducts a random drug test? Busted!

Do you really want your boss finding you in the lunchroom, staring blankly at the coffee machine? Probably not. And the majority of people reserve the use of marijuana until they get home for practical reasons like symptom relief.

Cy Scott is the co-founder of Leafly, and he commented that Amazon’s decision to stop testing employees for cannabis is simple. The e-commerce juggernaut can’t keep growing if it can’t recruit people to work at all business supply chain levels.

On Geek Wire, Cy Scott stated:

“It’s really hard for them to hire given that a majority of Americans live in markets where cannabis is legal—and a significant majority when you add in medical cannabis. Frankly, it’s hard for them to hire around that.”

Jobs involving critical safety or vehicle operation will still be tested on hire and randomly for drug use at Amazon.

Jeff Bezos Space Blue Origin
(Deposit Photos)

Jeff Bezos Getting Higher Than the Rest of Us On Blue Origin

Since we’re talking about Jeff Bezos and getting high? It’s worth noting that one of the world’s wealthiest business leaders is about to break gravity on Blue Origin. Have you heard of Elon Musk and the SpaceX company? Blue Origin is owned by Bezos and plans to provide consumer space travel.

Jeff Bezos actually started Blue Origin in 2000. The company’s mission has been to “preserve the Earth” by seeking out resources and alternative energy in space. The company has been underfunded and underemployed, according to some sources. Bezos wanted to inspire ingenuity by keeping the project on a tight budget.

So, while people are speculating whether Amazon will join the fight for federal legalization and decriminalization of cannabis, Founder Jeff Bezos will be getting higher than the rest of us. 

Jeff Bezos will be joined by his brother Mark and astronauts Oliver Daemen and Wally Funk. The trip will breach earth’s gravity for only 11 minutes and into the great blue yonder. The trip will be historically significant as the first trip with an all civilian crew and no pilot—the first trip in a self-driving spaceship.

The new ‘space economy’ estimated economic value, including mining of natural resources, is one trillion (1T) dollars. And no intergalactic “porch pirates” trying to take your Amazon boxes. At least for the time being.

Featured Image: Deposit Photos

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