
Patients First: Jampha Terpene Rich CBD (Interview)

Lori Ann Reese

Posted by Lori Ann Reese on 09/30/2021 in Product Reviews

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Is all CBD created equal? Nothing could be further from the truth when you talk to Trinn Hatch, founder of Jampha. A grassroots CBD brand that differentiates itself with Synergy Enhanced Terpene Infusions (SETI).

You may know some people who swear by the efficacy of cannabidiol (CBD) taken as a daily supplement. And other people said they tried a couple of brands of CBD but did not notice any difference. That variance in experience is the difference between buying low-quality CBD and full-spectrum or clinical grade CBD.

Jampha is a grassroots cannabidiol company that has a mission to help every person with health symptoms create their ideal SET. That is, types of cannabinoids and terpenes that help them achieve their wellness goals.

We invited Trinn Hatch, Founder, and CEO of Jampha, to talk to us a little more about their unique terpene-enhanced cannabidiol (CBD) products. Trinn will be hosting a Facebook live Q&A on Tuesday, October 5th at 12:00 noon pacific standard time (PST).

RSVP and Enter to Win!

Facebook Livestream Event: Q&A with Trinn Hatch from Jampha

There are more than 300 different terpenes that can be extracted from hemp. What is your special blend to address your personal wellness goals? You will have the opportunity to ask Trinn Hatch, Founder of Jampha, on Facebook Live.

When: Tuesday, October 5th

Time: 12:00 noon (PST)

Where: Marijuana Doctors Facebook Page

During the live Q&A, you’ll be able to ask questions in the comments of the Facebook Livestream. Three lucky people will be randomly selected to win!


First Prize:

The winner will receive a full-year supply of Jampha cannabidiol (CBD) and terpene fusion products. A first prize winner will receive the Jampha wholesale store sample pack.

The first prize package includes:

  • 7 x SETI (Synergy Enhanced Terpene Infusions) 300 mg bottles of full-spectrum CBD
  • 5 x 250 mg containers of topicals
  • 3 x 300 mg bottles of Pet SETI, a mild and safe CBD formulation for cats and dogs

Second Prize:

Receive a six (6) month supply of full-spectrum and organic terpene cannabidiol (CBD) products. This prize package includes seven products: (3) bottles of 10,000 mg SETI Synergy Enhanced Terpene Infusions, (2) 500 mg CBD topicals, and (2) 250 mg topicals.


Third Prize

The third prize winner will receive seven (7) cannabidiol (CBD) topicals and tinctures compliments of Jampha. The prize package will include (3) 25,000 mg SETI, Synergy Enhanced Terpene Infusions (2) 1000 mg topicals, and (2) 500 mg topicals.

No purchase is necessary to enter to win one of the Jampha CBD and terpene prize packs. You must be over the age of eighteen (18) to enter and live in the United States to be qualified. Entrants will also qualify for a special offer and discount by email as part of the Jampha ‘Fall into Wellness’ promotion. Watch your email for more details.

Winners will be randomly selected from all entrants and announced on the Marijuana Doctors Facebook page at the end of the Livestream Q&A session with Jampha.

RSVP below and enter to win! Then join us on October 5th at 12:00 p.m. pacific time to see if you have won one of the amazing Jampha prize packs.

1. What makes Jampha different from other CBD brands?

Trinn Hatch: “There are a lot of things that make us different. I think number one is our quality control. We’ve had experience within our ranks with people who have used CBD that was tainted with heavy metals, pesticides and have problems with mold and microbial issues, which in the long term doesn’t help anybody’s body to balance out and get better. You know, it causes more issues and problems.

 We keep our product extremely clean. We test [our CBD] three times when we take down our crops; it is tested again once it is transferred and created into distillate, which is the base of all our products. And then we test it again once it is finally formulated, to make sure that nothing has snuck in there, and make sure it is quality controlled.”

The Formulation of Rich Organic Terpene Profiles

Trinn Hatch: “Part number two would be our terpenes. When you look at cannabis or hemp, a specific strain, everything is very similar as far as the cannabinoids. Different levels will determine whether it is more invigorating or energy increasing. But it is really the terpenes that capture the specific effects. It depends on the types and levels of potency of the terpenes.

So, when you have a specific strain that people are having great success with [wellness] problems, generally, the cannabinoids are responsible. But the terpenes [amplify] medicinal effects, such as reducing anxiety, pain, and inflammation.

What we have done is taken cannabinoids that we can recreate in a lab setting to ensure the same potency in each batch. And then, we created our own terpene profiles based on the entourage effect that these terpenes can have medicinally for the body.

 We’ve done it in a different way than most companies that are out there. Our terpenes are also organically sourced. They come with a USDA Organic seal on them. They are safety tested for heavy metals and pesticides by the batch.”

The Jampha Mission to Provide a Healthier Alternative

Trinn Hatch: “Our approach to business would be the third thing. Most CBD companies get into it because of the numbers. It is a lucrative business and the fastest-growing nutraceutical market. But we started for personal reasons and decided to take a different approach; to put people before money.

Our business has a lot of charitable programs that help provide full-spectrum CBD products to patients who may have limited means. This helps some patients afford the product, and, in some cases, we have a program that gifts CBD for people in extraordinary circumstances. So that they can have the CBD they need to heal, in taking that approach, we’ve opened a lot of doors and helped a lot of deserving people. Those people become brand advocates and refer other customers to us. And that has helped us grow.

People are interested in getting off the merry-go-round of medications. And for some, that means exploring clinical-grade CBD as part of a daily wellness plan.”

2. Can you share a little bit about the story of your business? How was it founded? What is your mission and vision for Jampha?

Trinn Hatch: “My journey with CBD started in 2014. I moved to Washington, and I was on total disability. I was a security contractor before that. I broke my leg severely and almost lost it a few times, and I needed surgery.

The breakage was so bad, and there was so much trauma that they didn’t know how they were going to repair it and give me back my quality of life. I tried to keep the leg, and I ended up on about 15-20 different medications that I was taking consistently.

For the first five years when I lived in Washington, I wasn’t able to work because of the injury. I did get offered a job at a marijuana store for $12 per hour. I worked twenty hours per month as part of my disability requirement. During that time, I learned about CBD. And I started to look for opportunities for me to use CBD because I wanted to replace some of my medications with it.

That journey started, and within about two years of learning about the CBD, I was able to get off of many of my medications, feel better and get back to work full-time. During that period, I also worked part-time for some other companies. Actually, selling CBD and talking to patients who were using it.”

Immersed Industry Experience and Patient Advocacy 

Trinn Hatch: “I worked with one nationally recognized brand and learned about dosing and formulations of CBD. But what was interesting was that nobody wanted to talk about terpenes. Everybody was scared, you know. When you introduce something that has never been done before, you also enter new areas of concern about legal liability.

Even with solid information, research, and experience, the company was unwilling to do it. My partner and I left the meeting in Texas feeling a little bummed out. They didn’t seem to capture what I was trying to share with them.

My partner at the time said, why don’t we do it ourselves? And I said that I was on disability and didn’t have the money to invest in starting the business. So, we used her business to get it going. Two years later, we released Jampha, and we haven’t looked back.

We were able to collaborate with food scientists, researchers, and practitioners to get advice on formulating our CBD products. Specifically about terpene profiles and potencies that were safe for consumption and offered wellness benefits.

Cannabidiol won’t cure any illness. But it can help reduce inflammation and bring the body back into balance. And that is the education that we are trying to get out there.”

Cannabidiol and Terpene Products Formulated by Jampha

Jampha means “loving-kindness.” The products are vegan, certified organic, and free of GMOs. When we formulated our products, we wanted to address the spiritual centers of the body. We have seven categories of CBD products.

The marketing team at Jampha sent over a full set of samples for each CBD product. Including three topicals and their pet CBD products. Which my dogs loved. I thought that was interesting because I have tried other CBD products and had to wrestle to dose my dogs. They particularly liked the salmon flavor, I think.

The following information about the types of CBD was taken from the resource guide that was included with the CBD assortment.



The terpene and essential oil profile of our FOCUS blend is to support productivity, concentration, and mental performance. Inside a bottle of FOCUS, you will find terpenes that can provide cognitive support:

  • Alpha-Pinene and Beta-Pinene
  • Limonene
  • Beta-Caryophyllene
  • Alpha-Phellandrene
  • Cadinene
  • Delta 3 Carene
  • Phytol

The Jampha FOCUS CBD contains some uncommon terpenes that help with memory and alertness. We made it as an alternative to over-the-counter energy aids that can be toxic for your health. Instead of using stimulants like caffeine or sugar, our formula relies on a proprietary blend of terpenes.

One of the most important terpenes in FOCUS is Phytol, which can help regulate glucose (blood sugar) more effectively. That can help reduce drowsiness and fatigue for people with Type 2 diabetes. Some studies suggest that the Phytol terpene can also help reduce cholesterol and promote healthy cells.


So many people struggle with chronic insomnia. And they don’t realize that lack of quality sleep isn’t just an inconvenience or source of irritability, but a health risk. People who do not get enough sleep may suffer from mental health disorders, a decline of the immune system, and health problems.

The terpene and essential oil profile for the Jampha SLEEP product is:

  • Alpha-Bisabolol
  • Beta-Caryophyllene
  • Citral
  • g-Terpinene
  • Geraniol
  • Linalool
  • Myrcene
  • Terpinolene
  • Valencene

Prescription sleep aids have side effects such as drowsiness the morning after. Some of them can be addictive. Using organic terpenes and cannabidiol to manage your insomnia symptoms may be a more natural and effective approach.


The entourage effect is strong with the BALANCE CBD. People who want a daytime supplement CBD but don’t have a specific symptom they want to address can choose BALANCE for all-day use.

Inside the Jampha BALANCE are USDA organic terpenes, including:

  • Humulene
  • Alpha-Pinene and Beta-Pinene
  • Alpha-Bisabolol
  • Beta-Caryophyllene
  • Linalool
  • Terpinolene
  • Limonene

The wellness benefits of this formulation may provide anti-anxiety, anti-bacterial anti-inflammatories that promote whole-body health. Terpenes that can improve respiratory health, gastrointestinal upset, and fatigue.


What is the impact of being stressed all the time? We know that the stress hormone (cortisol) is only supposed to be a short-term spike. But the hectic and often adverse experiences we have at work or at home can cause chronic stress.

A body (and brain) that is always ready for defense never relaxes. That means fatigue, which goes along with higher than usual stress levels over longer periods of time. Inside every bottle of CALM from Jampha, you will find

  • Nerolidol
  • Myrcene
  • Beta-Caryophyllene
  • Linalool
  • Citral
  • Terpineol
  • Alpha-Bisabolol
  • Valencene

One of the terpenes that help provide a feeling of calmness without a drowsy sedative feeling is Nerolidol. The Nerolidol terpene has a fruity, floral, and citrus scent and has been studied for its ability to cause natural relaxation. Valencene is another uncommon terpene that has gentle sedative and calming properties.


Sometimes the body needs a little bit of help to detoxify from free radicals. Elements we are exposed to every day like heavy metals, pesticides, pollutants, and even prescription medications can create free radicals. That creates oxidative stress and damages healthy cells.

When cells are damaged, they can mutate and contribute to the development of chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions related to cellular inflammation.

The Jampha DETOX cannabidiol is blended with powerful terpenes to help reduce cellular oxidative stress. This can also help improve the performance of the immune system and lower the severity of pain and discomfort caused by arthritis.

  • Alpha-Bisabolol
  • Alpha-Pinene and Beta-Pinene
  • Eucalyptol
  • D-Limonene
  • Beta-Caryophyllene
  • Citral
  • Linalool
  • Eugenol
  • Geraniol
  • Terpineol
  • Alpha-Phellandrene

In topical solutions for muscle pain and relief, many products have a small amount of Alpha-Phellandrene. The terpene combines with limonene to create an antihyperalgesic (sensitivity reducing) effect. This may help significantly reduce discomfort from joint and muscle pain.


Terpenes combined with cannabidiol have the potential to help people reduce inflammatory pain and discomfort. Jampha formulated RELIEVE with a terpene and essential oil profile that would specifically target inflammation and pain.

Inside RELIEVE, you will find some powerful organic terpenes working together to help naturally reduce pain. The entourage effect in RELIEVE from Jampha includes the following terpenes:

  • Alpha-Pinene and Beta-Pinene
  • g-Terpinene
  • Humulene
  • Caryophyllene
  • Eugenol
  • Myrcene
  • Linalool
  • D-Limonene
  • Terpineol
  • Alpha-Bisabolol
  • Alpha-Phellandrene

Individuals who are on more than one prescription medication should talk to their doctor about using cannabidiol and the RELIEVE formulation daily. The full spectrum certified organic hemp CBD and concentrated terpenes can help with digestion and even support for drug or alcohol addiction therapy.


Chronic illnesses like COPD or asthma are caused by uncontrolled inflammation in the respiratory tract. Jampha formulated BREATHE with terpenes to help open the lungs and reduce the inflammation that constricts normal breathing.

The terpene profile for BREATH includes natural elements that have been used for respiratory treatments (traditional medicines) and for thousands of years. The CBD BREATH product contains the following medicinal terpenes:

  • Alpha-Pinene and Beta-Pinene
  • Eucalyptol
  • Limonene
  • p-Cymene
  • Ocimene
  • Citral
  • Geraniol
  • Camphor
  • Pulegone
  • Alpha-Phellandrene
  • Beta-Caryophyllene

Have you ever noticed how many cold and flu medications have a strong herbal scent of rosemary or Eucalyptus? That is pulegone, a terpene that is used for reducing fevers and eucalyptol. The eucalyptol terpene is also thought to combat bacterial and fungal growth. That can be of benefit to women who experience chronic infections like candida. 


Jampha Healing Mission and Philanthropy

If you visit the Jampha website, you will see a variety of different outreach programs. For customers that have chronic illnesses on a restricted income, there is an opportunity to get a significant discount. This also applies to individuals who have a permanent disability and American military veterans. 

Visit the Jampha website to learn more about their philanthropic programs to help keep high-quality CBD accessible for the patients that need it most.

Jampha also provides dose suggestions for cannabidiol products. Both for humans and the special formulations for pets. Take your suggested dose chart to your physician or veterinarian to review and provide personal recommendations based on your wellness needs. 

When it comes to using CBD as part of your daily wellness plan, we know that people have questions. What kind of cannabidiol and terpene combination could be most effective? How much CBD should a patient consider supplementing to address symptoms?

When you have been through a difficult health problem and found a solution, you want to share it with other people. Trinn Hatch had his life transformed when he recovered from his injury. Trinn attributes his recovery to learning about the entourage effect, cannabidiol (CBD), and potent terpenes. 

Jampha provides the mission, culture, and quality cannabidiol products that you can feel good about.

Jampha Coupon Code

Product and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA. Talk to your primary care provider before starting any supplement if you are taking prescription medications. Do not stop taking your prescription medications unless advised by a medical practitioner. 

No Information on MarijuanaDoctors.Com should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. You can view our Full Disclaimer here.

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