
Medical Marijuana Referral Program

Marijuana Doctors

Posted by Marijuana Doctors on 05/03/2017 in Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana Referral Program

Would you like to be part of a fast-growing and new industry? If so, you can become a sales representative for MarijuanaDoctors.com, and make money with our medical marijuana referral program. You can do this simply by referring new physicians to Marijuana Doctors.

MD has launched its nationwide sales network referral program to provide you with the opportunity to supplement your current income or make money with medical marijuana if you are over 18 years old.

Introduce physicians you know and with whom you have a working relationship to MD’s services, and you can make supplementary money. As an MD sales representative, you will receive marketing materials, tools, legal forms and accounting forms to start your home business.

Know the Benefits of Becoming an MD Sales Representative

There are many benefits to becoming a medical marijuana sales representative for Marijuana Doctors. The biggest benefit of working in the marijuana affiliate program as a sales representative is that you can earn an unlimited amount of money each month, which can equate to thousands of dollars. All you have to do is refer physicians to the Marijuana Doctors online directory.

As an MD sales rep, you’re part of a community that dispenses medical pot, which is a legal alternative to potentially addictive and toxic pharmaceutical drugs for patients who have qualifying, debilitating conditions.

Other benefits include:

  • Being part of a rapidly, expanding industry with growth potential
  • Involvement in a highly profitable industry
  • Earning residual income each month
  • Ability to earn more based on your referrals
  • Indirectly help patients with care
  • Work at home
  • Work a flexible schedule
  • Benefit from the SEO-optimized term “Marijuana Doctors”
  • Benefit from the largest and oldest global directory of marijuana doctors
  • Be your own boss

Become an Instrumental Part of a Rapidly Expanding Industry

Medical weed is a rapidly expanding industry that presents a highly profitable market. The cannabidiol, or CBD, market is estimated to increase in consumer sales to $2.1 billion by 2020, according to the “Hemp Business Journal” as published in Forbes. Out of these sales, it’s estimated that $450 million will come from sources that are hemp-based — a 700 percent increase from 2016. Hemp-derived CBD products in 2015 created $90 million in consumer sales, and another $112 million were sold through dispensaries. That’s a total of $202 million in CBD products last year.

cbd market

The District of Columbia (DC) and 28 states have legalized medical marijuana.  It’s expected that other states will embrace the industry and make medical cannabis legal, too.

legal marijuana states

One problem is that some physicians don’t understand the medical marijuana laws in their state and refrain from recommending it to their patients who may have qualifying conditions. Many physicians also don’t have enough knowledge about the certification process needed in order to recommend medical weed to their patients.

In many cases, physicians can begin recommending it to their qualifying patients if they have the proper information and documentation. MD sales representatives can help explain the simple and straightforward physician certification process, as well as highlight the medical marijuana laws in their state.

weed job growth

By 2020, the legal weed market will create over a quarter of a million jobs.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), this projection is more than the expected jobs in utilities, manufacturing and government careers.

Work With Physicians and Specialists You May Already Know

When you have a medical condition, you typically see more than one doctor or specialist. You may have additional physicians in your network who you can talk to about MD’s medical marijuana network services. You know them, so you cannot only earn money from referring them, but you can feel good about indirectly helping patients in your state.

A patient can only be recommended to obtain medical marijuana from a certified physician, so you have an opportunity to earn residual income each month by explaining the advantages of medical pot to physicians and encouraging them to sign up to the MD network.

You may want to broach the subject at your next healthcare visit with your physician. Simply explain the benefits and ask if they would be interested in signing up. If so, the commission you earn from referring your doctor can pay for your appointment.

Be Your Own Boss

There are plenty of reasons to make money and be your own boss with MD. Although you may be new to the medical marijuana industry, you can live the lifestyle you choose with this highly profitable opportunity, whether you’re a:

  • Stay at home parent
  • College graduate looking to pay your student loans
  • Patient
  • Sales professional wanting to tap into a new market
  • Working professional
  • Person looking to explain the benefits of medical weed to your community
  • Medical marijuana advocate

Whether you’re looking for a full- or part-time income, you can achieve it with MD’s marijuana affiliate program.

Work From Home

Many professionals seek remote, flexible work arrangements. Some professionals are open to relinquishing a set salary and benefits in order to telecommute. In fact, around three million professionals currently work full-time and consider their primary workplace to be their home. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says that 24 percent of professionals who worked in 2015 performed some or all of their work from home. The percentage of professionals working remotely grew from the 19 percent back in 2003.

remote work force

Telecommuting provides the immeasurable benefits and flexibility of remote work, so it’s not surprising that more companies are offering the opportunity to work remotely.

Help Pay for Your Own Healthcare

You can use your medical marijuana income opportunity to pay for your healthcare if you’re a patient with a medical condition. Living with a chronic condition can place a financial burden on you, and having the ability to generate an ancillary income can help relieve some of that burden.

Learn How to Become an MD Sales Representative

It’s important to understand how the referral program works, how to sign yourself up as a sales rep, how to sign up physicians and how to earn your commission. To become an MD sales representative: download your free ebook here.

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Understand How the Medical Marijuana Program Works

Once you’ve signed up to become an MD sales consultant, you must become knowledgeable on the medical marijuana referral program. Consider the following tactics:

  • Review MD’s Marketing Material. It is important that you become familiarized with the MD affiliate program and what’s being offered to you, so download and review our marketing materials.
  • Distribute the Material and Contact Physicians. Begin distributing the provided material to your local physician network. You can help them with the decision. Educate them more on the MD network services and answer their questions. We provide you with a script to help facilitate the conversation.
  • Enroll the Physician. Once you have a physician interested in recommending medical marijuana to their patients, you will register them through your online sales portal. MD will handle the rest of the process. All necessary training will be provided to your physician, so they can successfully use the features and components of the network. After you enroll a physician, MD’s corporate team will receive their registration information and send an email to the physician and you about scheduling a digital walk through and screen-share demonstration about the program that is convenient for the physician and medical staff. You’re encouraged to attend these sessions, so you’ll gain a better understanding of the number of services we provide and how the whole system works.
  • Earn Your Commission. Each time you register a physician through your online sales portal, you earn a 10 to 20 percent monthly residual income for each physician. The amount of your commission depends upon the physician’s subscription investment, which ranges from $895.00 to $1995.00. In addition to your monthly residual income, you also earn a 10 percent override through our Marijuana Referral Programs on every referral you bring into the affiliate program. MD saves physicians thousands of dollars in starting up and expanding into the medical marijuana industry. A large number of patients find their medical marijuana physician through our mobile app or website, so the doctor’s investment pays for itself.

Utilize Resources for the MD Sales Representative

To improve the success of your medical marijuana affiliate program business, MD has provided you with all the resources you need including:

Knowledge of our SEO optimization

  • A phone script
  • Email script
  • Strategies for sources new leads
  • Strategies for handling rebuttals
  • And more

SEO Optimization

MD has the first spot in Google for the industry’s search term “marijuana doctor,” and we’re the biggest and oldest medical marijuana physician director globally, which makes your job of pitching to physicians easier. It also means that when a physician registers and joins the MD network, their association with medical weed along with their specific location is instantly created under this SEO search term in Google’s indexing. The physician can begin gaining exposure to local patients who are in need of care and medical marijuana.

You can explain this fact to the physicians you speak to about the MD network services, telling them how they will automatically have a marketing system in place to find patients. We provide you with an SEO script, which you can read verbatim to your prospects and will help you educate them on SEO and the importance of it in their marketing efforts.

Phone Script

Cold calling is the beginning stage of promoting the MD network services outside of your local physician network. Traditionally, this meant giving a prospective physician a phone call, but today it also means having a face-to-face conversation with the physician with or without an appointment.

Cold calling is an essential first step in your attempt to educate physicians on our services, as well as enticing interest. A cold calling script, which we also provide you, is important and can make the phone call go much smoother. It’s an organized and professional way to navigate through your conversation with the doctor and keep control of the phone call.

When calling physicians who are not in your network, it can be a bit more challenging to capture their attention. Most physicians who you haven’t yet built a relationship with might be on defense when you first speak with them.

Our scripts can help. Physicians are very busy people. When they come to the phone, you have to be ready to answer certain questions like:

  • Who are you?
  • What is the purpose of this call?
  • What is the benefit of it for me?
  • What is your point?

Our sales call script answers these questions and helps you progress through the phone call successfully.

Email Script

You should always follow-up the initial call with an email. You can send scripts to your prospect physicians once you speak to them on the phone. The email provides your prospective physicians a general company overview, as well as the services offered through our network. It also gently guides them to the register process under your affiliate information, and you’re credited if they register.

Source New Leads

We provide you with direction for sourcing leads, which involves knowing the qualifying conditions for medical marijuana by state and searching for specialty doctors within your region.

Learn Strategies to Handle Rebuttals

MD provides you with specific scripts to rebut common rebuttals.

List of Qualifying Conditions

Each state has its own laws about medical cannabis programs and different requirements to qualify a certain condition for medical marijuana. Part of your job is to ensure that you are only calling physicians who qualify for medical weed in your state. We provide you with a list of conditions that fall under specific medical specialties to help you search for physicians that are in the approved specialties for your state.

Sign Up to Be a Marijuana Doctors Sales Representative

Seize the fast-growing opportunity and register as a sales representative for MarijunaDoctors.com with the above four easy steps. Sign up or download our free eBook and learn everything you need to know about how you can become a sales representative for MD — and make money referring physicians to MarijuanaDoctors.com.

You can also search for a medical marijuana doctor or dispensary and sign up for the newsletter.

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No Information on MarijuanaDoctors.Com should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. You can view our Full Disclaimer here.

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