Medical Marijuana Blogs & News

Marijuana News Round-Up December 31, 2021


This week in marijuana news. Montana residents have something to look forward to on January 1st. Recreational cannabis sales in the state will start. But will adult-use products be available in every jurisdiction across the state? Texas advocates won another decisive battle in court, to p ... Read More

How-To Use Cannabis to Fight Seasonal Affective Disorder


In North America, we have come a long way in the past fifty years toward understanding the importance of mental health. And supporting individuals who experience moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety and depression. Medical cannabis programs in many states include depression and anxiety ... Read More

Montana Recreational Cannabis Sales Start January 1, 2022


During the November 2020 election, the state question regarding legalizing adult-use was posed to Montana voters. And 58% of voters endorsed the legalization of recreational cannabis. Medical cannabis in the state was already legalized in 2004. Now the countdown to adult-use sales in Mont ... Read More

Lamborghini Launches CBD Coffee Products


When you think of CBD, would you think of the legendary Lambo? It is a bit of an odd combination, but when you think about the potential for CBD beverages, it makes sense.  Lamborghini is the newest international brand entry into the CBD food and beverage market. According to Reuters, To ... Read More

Texas Supreme Court Protects Legal Status of Delta-THC Products (Again)


You may not see Delta-THC products on the shelves of a local convenience store. Or in your local smoke shop in Texas.  That doesn’t mean that the products are not there.  It means that retailers are being extremely cautious, since the legality of Delta-8 and Delta-10 semi-synthetic THC ... Read More

Spend Holiday Money on These Cool Cannabis Gifts for You


Now that all the gifts have been bought, wrapped, and under the tree, you can relax a little. And if you are still not done with your holiday shopping? Pretend we didn’t say that. May the odds ever be in your favor. What about some cannabis gifts for yourself?  Now you're talking! The ... Read More

Fight for Adult-Use in Ohio Escalates 


Marijuana Moment reported that on Monday, December 20, 2021, marijuana activists from the state of Ohio submitted more signatures. The petitions totaled 206,943 endorsements from voters to the Ohio Secretary of State. Much more than was required to get lawmakers to move the dial to legaliz ... Read More

6 New Cannabis Strains for 2021 Holidaze


At the end of the year, it’s time to celebrate many things. Some will be gathering with family and friends or planning the ultimate stay-cation, to relax and unwind. And on the list of things to get ready for the holidaze, maybe trying a new strain or two is on the list.  There have bee ... Read More

Marijuana News Round-Up December 17, 2021


This week in marijuana news, an exciting new study suggests CBD + THC could work best for reducing seizures from epilepsy. When you visit the local convenience store, why aren’t there more CBD snacks and beverages? It’s because the federal government doesn’t recognize cannabidiol as ... Read More

Level Up Your Smoke: Interview With Dynavap


At, we want to bring patients practical information they can use. We had the opportunity to interview Dynavap, one of America’s leading cannabis accessory manufacturers.  And what they had to share about using Dynavap technology to make using medical cannabis safer ... Read More

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