Medical Marijuana Blogs & News

Should Recovering Addicts Consider Medical Marijuana?


With the opioid epidemic raging, you probably know someone affected by opioids, the class of drugs that includes prescription pain relievers such as oxycodone (Percocet, Oxycontin, Vicodin), synthetic opioids (fentanyl) and (illicit) heroin. Regular opioid use, even when prescribed by a do ... Read More

Cannabis and Cancer: Your Essential Guide to a Holistic Approach


Marijuana and cancer—it’s a subject with growing interest around the country. Cancer is a topic with high emotional resistance, and rightfully so. Just in the United States, an estimated 1,762,450 cancers will be in diagnosed in 2019, which equates to more than 4,800 new cases each day ... Read More

24 Weed Reads: Your Guide to the Cannabis Library


From tomes on botany, recipes and creative non-fiction to cultural musings and political history, there are over 5,200 printed books about cannabis — that’s enough to fill the shelves of a small library. And while new cannabis books are published each year, the best reads span decades. ... Read More

The Munchies According to Science: Cannabis and Your Appetite


There’s only one state of mind that justifies the urge to tear through an entire bag of potato chips, a microwaved plate of freezer-burned taquitos, and even that four-month-old box of chocolate that Grandma sent you over the holidays: being baked. This overwhelming urge to eat salty, sw ... Read More

Terpenes and Anxiety


The cannabis plant contains hundreds of compounds that work together to create its medicinal properties. You may know about cannabinoids, the main components studied in marijuana. But, what about terpenes? These compounds also have a role to play in the healing powers of marijuana. Some te ... Read More

CBD for Menstrual Cramps


Menstrual pain, also known as dysmenorrhea, can range from uncomfortable to debilitating. You can use birth control, painkillers or natural remedies to relieve those monthly cramps. But, did you know you can also use the cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD)? Marijuana medicine with CBD can allevi ... Read More

A Look at Drug Testing in The Workplace


The stigma around marijuana use, both medical and recreational, is slowly dwindling as states throughout the country work towards marijuana legalization. 33 states have officially declared medical marijuana use legal and 10 states have legalized recreational use of the drug. However, a que ... Read More

Is Medical Marijuana Cheaper Than RX Drugs?


Many patients who use medical marijuana take it as an alternative to prescription drugs. If you want to take cannabis medicine, you have to factor in prices, especially compared to prescription drug costs. You may already know how much drug producers charge in the United States and want to ... Read More

From Propaganda to Promotion: The Evolution of Cannabis Campaigns


“The Devils Lettuce.” In 2019, it’s hard not to chuckle at this alternate and wildly dramatic name for marijuana, but in a pearls and penny loafer wearing era where the wholesome family watched Leave it to Beaver, anti-cannabis propaganda was widely accepted. During the 1920’s and ... Read More

Cannabidiol (CBD) vs. Cannabicyclol (CBL)


The marijuana plant contains hundreds of compounds that provide health benefits. Consider cannabis like a medicine cabinet full of remedies for a variety of ailments. Marijuana's components can work together to relieve your symptoms in a phenomenon known as the "entourage effect." We can a ... Read More

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