Medical Marijuana Blogs & News

The Dangers of Moldy Weed


If you’ve ever inhaled marijuana smoke, the odds are pretty good that you’ve also inhaled a few mold spores. While we encounter these spores in many of our surroundings, they’re usually not that dangerous for people who have healthy immune systems. However, if your weed has a great ... Read More

Medical Marijuana Deliveries in NY


Looking for marijuana delivery in New York? You’re in luck! With a New York Health Department-approved home delivery program taking effect, soon enough you’ll be able to get marijuana home delivery right at your doorstep. Just imagine the convenience of being able to get your medical ... Read More

3D Printed Cannabis Products


When 3D printers first came out, many people viewed them as nothing more than an interesting novelty. But as technology has advanced, products were developed that provide tangible — and in many instances, incredible — benefits. Here are some of the more impressive products that will be ... Read More

Medical Marijuana Patient Rights


Medical marijuana use is still a controversial topic with some parts of the general public. People hold their beliefs about drugs based on old ideas or propaganda, and they can be reluctant to change with the times. It’s hard for some people to accept the new information available now co ... Read More

Foreshadowing the Future of CBD


The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency currency lists marijuana and cannabidiol as a Schedule I drug — illegal to buy, sell and consume at the federal level. Although there is insignificant evidence indicating that cannabidiol is not psychologically or physically addicting, the likelihood of t ... Read More

Is It Legal to Drink While Using Medical Marijuana?


Most states that have legalized medical marijuana laws prohibit the concurrent use of alcohol. This is primarily because using medical marijuana and alcohol at the same time can lead to injury, illness and, in very rare cases, death. Additionally, there is some evidence to support the clai ... Read More

An In-Depth Look at Cannabis Tourism


MarketWatch reports that travel site searches for Denver vacations increased nearly 75 percent in the year after the state legalized the recreational use of marijuana. Washington and Oregon saw similar search increases after it was legalized there as well. What does that tell you? Well ... Read More

CBD and Children


Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of 60+ chemical compounds found in marijuana that, along with tetrahydrocannabinols, or THC, gives marijuana most of its psychoactive and medicinal qualities. Different species or “strains” of marijuana contain different amounts of CBD and THC, with strains cul ... Read More

Weed-Infused Wine: The New Frontier in Edibles?


Innovation in the marijuana consumption market continues to grow as more and more states are beginning to legalize cannabis. The introduction of marijuana-infused wine is one of the latest examples of companies taking advantage of this. It joins the ranks of everyday food and drinks infuse ... Read More

Cannabis and Self-Esteem: Weed Out the Negative Thoughts


Low self-esteem affects nearly everyone at some point in their life, for varying durations of time. Constantly questioning your self-worth, however, is not healthy or normal. The effects of low self-esteem can include: Disrespect for yourself, along with a propensity to allow others to ... Read More

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